
Table of Contents

SPEAR Reporting

A range of reports are available to users in SPEAR, however the specific reports available to each organisation type will vary.


Follow the below steps to run a report:

  1. Click on the name of the required report from the Admin Reports menu. The Parameter window will open in a new browser tab or window.
  2. Depending on the report you have selected, you will be provided with a range of parameters which will affect the data displayed in the report. Select or enter the parameters as required, and click the ‘OK’ button to run and display the report.
  3. Use the grey arrows displayed at the top-right of the report to navigate through the report. Alternatively, you can enter the page number you wish to view and click the green arrow to navigate to that page.
  4. Click on the print icon at the top-left of the report to print the report.
  5. Click on the parameter icon at the top-left of the report to run the report with different parameters.
  6. Click on the export icon at the top-left of the report to export the report data into another program such as Excel or Powerpoint.